2007年12月16日 星期日

Using MinGW with SciTE On a USB Stick

OS: Windows XP
Required Space: Less than 70 MB

1. SciTE ( http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/SciTEDownload.html )
2. MinGW packages ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/ )
  • binutils
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++ ( optional in "MinGW GettingStart section" ?)
  • mingw-runtime
  • w32api
  • mingw-32 make ( optional )
  • mingw-utils ( optional )
Step 1 - Install MinGW on the USB Stick
  1. Create a directory for install (ex. MinGW )
  2. Extract All the MinGW packages into the directory (there is some strange instructions about " info/dir " in the Install MinGW page , but I ignore them , and still works fine )
Step 2 - Set Up SciTE properties
  1. Extract " SciTE.properties " from the full download version to the directory which stores source codes ( this properties will only take effect per directory, please refer to the comment inside )
  2. append following two lines to the SciTE.properties
command.compile.*.c=../PortableApps/MinGw/bin/gcc -o $(FileName).exe $(FileName).c -std=c99
" ../PortableApps/MinGw/ " is the directory where I install MinGW , as the graphic shown below,remember to change it according to your own condition

Final Step - Start Programming
  1. Use SciTE to open your source code , press Ctrl+F7 to compile (Or select it from Tools)
  2. Bang !! Now you can start programming on most computers :)

Installing MinGW - manually
SciTE Documentation - properties file
