Split(Rename) audio files by cue files 後,覺得還要一個一個打指令實在太麻煩了,就自己寫個 script 來完成全部步驟,所需 package 相同, 只是要多加一個 ffmpeg 來幫 ape 轉檔,shnsplit 內建是 mac ,但是原作者網站都掛了,AUR 上又連到 gentoo 的軟體包去抓,實在很怪,就用 ffmpeg 來轉,如果 cue 是 UTF-8 的話會移除 BOM 再餵給 cuebreakpoint 才不會出錯,分割完後使用 cuetag.sh 設定 tag 資訊,但只支援 id3 和 vorbis,最後再改檔名。
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# require: ffmpeg, cuebreakpoint, cueprint, cuetag.sh , shnsplit
# use ffmpeg to convert musics
import sys
import os
import glob
import getopt
import subprocess as sp
###### usage ######
usage = """ \
Usage :
-c cuefile: the cue files to be used
-i file : the music file to be split
-o format : specify the format to be converted
###### main ######
def parse_opt():
c_file = m_file = format = ""
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:],"c:i:o:" )
for o in opts:
if o[0] == "-c":
c_file = o[1]
elif o[0] == "-i":
m_file = o[1]
elif o[0] == "-o":
format = o[1]
# raise Error if not correct args
for f in [ c_file, m_file, format]:
if f == "": raise ValueError
return c_file ,m_file ,format
except ( getopt.GetoptError, ValueError ):
print usage
def try_cmd( cmd_arg ):
# error strings
error = ["error", "Error", "ERROR"]
ret = sp.Popen([ cmd_arg ],stdout=sp.PIPE,stderr=sp.PIPE,\
# if error strings passed to stdout or stderror
# raise error and stop the script
for es in error:
if ( es in ret[0] ) or ( es in ret[1]):
raise OSError( "\n\nExecution failed !!!\n" +\
"error messages :\n\n" +\
ret[0] + ret [1] )
return ret[0]
except OSError, e:
def track_rename( c_file ):
track_names = try_cmd("cueprint -t '%02n. %t\n' " + c_file)
track_names = track_names.split('\n')
tracks = glob.glob("./split_cue_tmp_*")
tracks = sorted( tracks )
file_type = tracks[0].rpartition('.')[2]
zf = zip(tracks, track_names)
for t_name in zf:
print t_name[0], t_name[1]
os.rename( t_name[0], t_name[1] + '.' + file_type)
def remove_BOM( utf8_file ):
with open(utf8_file,'r') as f:
content = f.readlines()
check_c = map( ord, [ c for c in content[0][0:3] ] )
if check_c == [239, 187, 191] :
print "There are BOM inside!"
content[0] = content[0][3:]
with open(utf8_file + ".tmp.cue" , 'w') as f:
return utf8_file + ".tmp.cue"
print "File with no BOM"
return utf8_file
def check_format( m_file, format ):
if format == "":
return False
f_string = [format.lower(), format.upper(), format.capitalize()]
f_info = try_cmd("file " + m_file)
print f_info
for s in f_string:
if s in f_info:
print "Orginal file format is the same as specified !!"
return True
# different file format, need conversion
return False
def split_tracks(c_file, m_file, format):
# mac not installed , use ffmpeg to convert ape
if check_format( m_file, "ape"):
new_m_file = m_file.rpartition('.')[0] + '.' + format.lower()
try_cmd("ffmpeg -i " + m_file + " " + new_m_file)
m_file = new_m_file
# cuebreakpoints |shnsplit
s_args = " -a split_cue_tmp_ -o " + format + " "
try_cmd("cuebreakpoints " + c_file + "|shnsplit " + s_args + m_file)
# use cuetag.sh to add tags (only for vorbis and id3)
try_cmd("cuetag.sh " + c_file + " split_cue_tmp_*")
def main():
c_file, m_file, format = parse_opt()
c_file = remove_BOM( c_file )
split_tracks(c_file, m_file, format)
if __name__ == "__main__":